STEM/ Periodic Table and Chemical Bonding

For STEM this round is probably my favorite round so far because we were learning about one of the things that I really want to learn. We were learning more about the elements and the periodic table.

We learned a lot about the periodic table. We found out a lot of answer to all the question that we have for a long time in our mind. This is some of the question and answer I found about the periodic table while learning about it.
Who is the inventor of the periodic table?
Dmitri Mendeleev was the inventor of the periodic table.
When did the periodic table invent?
1869 is when the periodic table invented.
We also found more facts, but this just the two most questions that we really want to know the answers. Plus, we also learned about how they arranged the elements on the periodic table. In this round, we also learned about the chemical bonding. We learned two of the bond this round which are covalent and ionic bond. Both of this bond is really hard to explain in words, but we got a lot of knowledge from these lessons. We found out a lot of new facts. We learned most of those facts from our facilitator and we also learned from a free online website which is called CK12. If you want to know more about the periodic table and chemical bonding click on this link.

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